How an Independent Financial Advisor in Lehi, UT, Could Help You

Financial planning can be critical to managing your finances, and having the right advisor could make a difference in your financial future. An independent financial advisor is a professional who provides financial advice to clients without being affiliated with a financial institution. This article explores the potential benefits of working with an independent financial advisor, what to look for when searching for one, and how to find an independent financial advisor in Lehi, UT.

Potential Benefits of Working with an Independent Advisor

Independent financial advisors are not tied to any financial institution, which helps to reduce conflicts of interest. Their independence generally frees them to provide unbiased advice and recommendations. Because they don’t take orders from a larger company like a bank, you may find them more impartial and objective than other financial professionals, as they do not have vested interests in promoting one product over another.

In addition, because independent financial advisors aren’t limited to a specific product line, they can offer a wide range of financial services to their clients. This means they can provide customized advice tailored to your unique financial needs and goals.

Keywords to Look for When Searching for an Independent Financial Advisor

The phrase “independent financial advisor” often goes hand in hand with other words. When doing your research, you can look for the following keywords if you seek objective, unbiased advice:

Fee-only: When searching for an independent financial advisor, you may want to consider someone who’s fee-only. This means they only charge client fees for their services and don’t receive commissions or other incentives for selling financial products. By working with a fee-only advisor, you can feel more confident that their advice isn’t influenced by any third-party compensation.

Fiduciary: Another keyword to look for when searching for an independent financial advisor is fiduciary. This means that the advisor must always act in your best interest. This is a higher standard of care than what’s required of brokers and other financial professionals who aren’t fiduciaries. When you work with a fiduciary financial advisor, you can feel more assured that you’re receiving advice in your best interest.

How to Find an Independent Financial Advisor in Lehi, Utah

Ask for recommendations: One of the easiest ways to find an independent financial advisor is to ask for recommendations from people you trust. Ask your friends, family, and colleagues if they’ve worked with an independent financial advisor they recommend. This can be a great way to find an advisor with a good reputation and high-quality services.

Use online resources: Another way to find an independent financial advisor is to use online resources. You can do a Google search for “independent financial advisor Lehi UT” to find advisors in your area providing independent financial planning and investment management services.

You can also search, which provides listings of area advisors who are independent, fee-only, and fiduciary.

You can then review the websites of potential advisors to get a better sense of their services, experience, and qualifications.

Check credentials and background: You can check a potential advisor’s credentials and background on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website. If the advisor is affiliated with a brokerage firm, you can use the FINRA BrokerCheck system. These databases help you review a potential advisor’s registrations, employment history, disciplinary actions, and customer complaints.

Schedule consultations: Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential advisors, the next step is to schedule a consultation with them. This complimentary call will give you an opportunity to better understand their services and how they might help you before you move on to the next step.

Schedule a Call

Working with an independent financial advisor can be a great way to receive customized, unbiased financial advice. When searching for an independent financial advisor, consider advisors who are “fee-only” and “fiduciary” to help ensure you’re working with a professional held to a high standard of care. Following the steps outlined above, you can find an independent financial advisor in Lehi, Utah, to help you achieve your financial goals.

Our independent wealth management firm offers a 15-minute call to discuss your concerns and situation. Schedule a call today.

This material was generated using artificial intelligence (ChatGPT) and edited by Kaleido Inc. from information derived from sources believed to be accurate. This information should not be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice.

Parkshore Wealth Management is a family-owned, independent, fee-only Registered Investment Advisor with offices in Roseville and Folsom, CA, and Lehi and Logan, UT. We partner with financially responsible individuals and families who are eager to take positive steps that will allow them to use their money to build the life they desire. The firm is led by Harold Anderson, CFP®, and Daniel Andersen, CFP®, both members of NAPFA, the country’s leading professional association of fee-only financial advisors.

Parkshore Wealth Management