Active vs. Passive Investing: Tips for Your Portfolio Strategy

Investing can feel like navigating a confusing labyrinth, with active and passive investing as two main paths. This blog explores both strategies, highlighting the hands-on nature of active investing and the long-term focus of passive investing. We aim to demystify these approaches, helping investors make informed decisions about these strategies to align with their financial goals.


In this approach, fund managers or individual investors actively buy and sell stocks or other assets to outperform the market. The goal is to capitalize on short-term price fluctuations and trends.

At our firm, we don't practice active investing in its traditional form because it involves attempting to time the market, which is inherently unpredictable. We steer clear of market timing due to its speculative nature and the significant risks it poses. We believe a longer-term approach with a diversified portfolio helps our clients achieve the returns they need while insulating them from short-term volatility.


Passive investing is about long-term growth, often mirroring the performance of a specific index, like the S&P 500. The idea is not to beat the market but to grow with it. This strategy involves less frequent trading, often resulting in lower fees and taxes.

At Parkshore Wealth Management, we view passive investing with a unique lens. We agree with the traditional passive strategy's benefits—lower costs, transparency, and the elimination of the risks of trying to "beat the market."

We also recognize the importance of actively implementing portfolio strategies, including periodic reweighting and rebalancing to help ensure portfolios remain aligned with clients’ goals, risk tolerance, income needs, and life changes.


Market timing, the strategy of making buy or sell decisions by attempting to predict future market price movements, is often an allure for active investors. However, it's incredibly risky. The market's volatility makes it nearly impossible to consistently predict its movements accurately.

For pre-retirees, this approach can be particularly hazardous. As you approach retirement, the stakes are higher, and the time to recover from significant losses is shorter. At Parkshore, we advise against market timing, advocating instead for a diversified portfolio that spreads out risk and helps offer more stable, long-term growth.


We believe that diversification is a cornerstone of sound investing. It involves spreading your investments across various asset classes (like stocks, bonds, and real estate) and geographies. This strategy is designed to reduce the impact of volatility on your portfolio. When one investment might be down, another could be up, balancing your overall risk.


  1. Understand your risk tolerance: Before investing, it's crucial to assess your comfort level with risk. As a pre-retiree, your risk tolerance is probably different from someone in their 30s, who has a much longer timeframe to recover from market volatility.

  2. Set clear goals: Define what you're investing for. Is it a comfortable retirement, leaving a legacy, or something else? Your goals will guide your investment strategy and help determine the investment returns you seek.

  3. Consult a fiduciary financial advisor: Working with a financial advisor who is a fiduciary can be invaluable. Fiduciaries are legally obligated to put your interests first, offering unbiased advice that aligns with your goals.

  4. Do regular reviews and adjustments: Your financial situation and goals can change. Regular reviews can help ensure your investment strategy remains aligned with your needs.

  5. Remember that patience is key: Investing is a long-term game, especially for passive strategies. Patience and sticking to your plan are crucial to increase your opportunity for success.


At Parkshore Wealth Management, we understand that investing can be daunting. The key is to make informed, well-thought-out decisions that align with your financial goals. Our approach to passive investing, with its blend of long-term growth and active oversight, is designed to offer a balanced, risk-managed path to financial security.

Remember, investing is a journey, not a sprint. With the right strategy and guidance, you can navigate this journey more confidently.

Schedule a complimentary, 15-minute chat with a fee-only, fiduciary financial advisor today to discuss your personal situation.

This material was written in collaboration with artificial intelligence (ChatGPT) derived from sources believed to be accurate. This information should not be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice.

Parkshore Wealth Management is a family-owned, independent, fee-only Registered Investment Advisor with offices in Granite Bay and Folsom, CA, and Lehi and Logan, UT. We partner with financially responsible individuals and families who are eager to take positive steps that will allow them to use their money to build the life they desire. The firm is led by Harold Anderson, CFP®, and Daniel Andersen, CFP®, both members of NAPFA, the country’s leading professional association of fee-only financial advisors.